Investment management news

Celebrating 12 consecutive years, Avison Young named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies

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Avison Young applauds Women of Influence, class of 2023

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Avison Young selected as a top organization for 2023 Influencers in CRE Technology

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Avison Young Investment Management completes acquisition of the largest heavy-duty electric vehicle production facility in the U.S.

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Real estate investment management

Bespoke strategies to help you achieve your financial and social objectives

Passive management? Not here. We treat every property that we manage as if it were our own. Our approach to adding value to your assets includes adding value to your community. As the live-work-play mentality grows both within and outside of urban cores, place becomes just as important as property for driving financial—and social—results.

With an unprecedented amount of money chasing deals, where can investors look for best value?

Amy Erixon sheds light on the winning and lagging strategies of searching for value in today’s property markets.

Learn more

Industry-leading performance

7-year weighted total return, MSCI
Top 20
MSCI top-performing fund in 2020

Build long-term value across your real estate portfolio

Getting the most from your real estate investments demands a 360° view. We lean on the real estate expertise of our partners at Avison Young to keep a pulse on market trends and best practices across real estate specializations, while maintaining the independence to partner with the best in the industry for your property plans and goals.

Trust in your Avison Young investment manager to deliver:

  • Bespoke, long-term strategies catered to your goals and risk tolerance
  • In-depth knowledge of local and global market dynamics through our international team
  • Thoughtful, creative insights for your property based on its building type, location, environment, community, and more
  • Partnership with the best teams and talent in the industry
  • The acumen, agility, and insight to capitalize on short- and long-term trends

Real estate investment management across the entire property lifecycle

We’re with you from strategy and acquisition to day-to-day asset and property management, all the way through to long-term strategic planning and international reporting.

Together, we’ll create a real estate portfolio that will generate stable income and growth, while reducing risk to ever-changing economic conditions.

The company we keep

We are a proud member of the following organizations and we participate in their advocacy efforts to improve policy-makers’ understanding of how governments can support responsible investment.

Avison Young Investment Management World Green Building Counsil Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management Urban Land Institute Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management International WELL Building Institute Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management Morgan Stanley Capital International Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Afilliated
Avison Young Investment Management Association for International Real Estate Investors Afilliated

Let’s talk about your real estate investment strategy

Our real estate investment managers leverage data-driven intelligence paired with deep local and international market knowledge. Connect with us to learn how we will help you maximize your returns and reach your goals.

Contact Us Today