Communiqués de presse d'Avison Young Canada sur l'immobilier commercial

Des informations trimestrielles et thématiques sur la recherche pour aider votre entreprise à acquérir un avantage concurrentiel dans l'immobilier commercial.

Breem Excellent Certified Green Building

25 novembre 2020

First Bulgarian business complex awarded with the prestigious British BREEAM certification.

Sofia Office Center is the first Bulgarian business complex awarded with the prestigious British BREEAM certification at the “Excellent” level - excellent result for environmentally and responsibly realized investment.

Combined with its modern architecture the office building guarantees a full harmony with nature!

''BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognizes and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment life-cycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment''.

For more information visit:

+359 889 40 40 90