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Avison Young's Consulting Group is expanding

Avison Young's Consulting Group is expanding 30 août 2021

Avison Young announces appointment of Lee Sellenraad, CCM, LEED AP, Certified Lean Innovation as Director within AY’s Consulting Group. Lee is tasked with growing the consulting business and client base across North America with responsibility across all commercial and industrial sectors. This new role is in line with one of our top 13 priorities to expand the Professional Services offerings.

Since being onboarded at the beginning of July 2021, Lee is off to a fast start, securing multiple pursuits and participating in numerous project opportunities with potential fees exceeding $4 million. He has also quickly partnered and visited with other markets, to support consulting, development, and program management needs.

Lee has over 30 years of experience leading clients through the development and acquisition of complex manufacturing / industrial facilities, while satisfying lean manufacturing and operational goals. Lee’s background enables him to provide the following services to Avison Young clients:

  • Operational efficiencies / lean Innovation
  • Program / change management and development support
  • Process integration and optimization
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Environmental, sustainability and governance services
  • Decarbonization efforts

Prior to joining Avison Young, Lee served as Chief Operating Officer of an Atlanta based national contractor, President and CEO of LIC, with overall worth of $140 million and 440 employees and founder of a Program Management Consulting firm he grew to $40m and merged with a Michigan based Engineering firm. Lee has also developed and led national and global sales, marketing and operations teams focused on corporate and client capital expenditure efforts.

Lee will work closely with Matt Ryder and Todd Ohlandt, as a Director, across all commercial and industrial markets and coordinate consulting group expansion efforts through an aggressive approach to securing more work and hiring best-in-class professionals.

Lee can be reached directly at [email protected] or via mobile + 1 313.304.1228.