Communiqués de presse d'Avison Young Canada sur l'immobilier commercial
Des informations trimestrielles et thématiques sur la recherche pour aider votre entreprise à acquérir un avantage concurrentiel dans l'immobilier commercial.
The biggest retail park in Bielsko-Biała

Redkom Development sold big retail park development project to NEWGATE INVESTMENT . Avison Young investment team brokered this transaction.
The project is still in development phase with expected delivery in Q4 2024. This will be the biggest retail park in Bielsko-Biała with ca. 17,000 sqm of retail space. The premises will host ca. 30 tenants among which there will be Kaufland (as the food operator), Sinsay, TEDii, Jysk, Media Expert, Kodano Optyk, Xtreme Fitness Gyms, KiK. Additional advantage of this location will be Burger King restaurant.
Congratulations to Lukasz Komierowski and Krystian Modrzejewski for this great success!
Artur Czuba was responsible for conducting this transaction on behalf of Avison Young.