5229-5249 Ash Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
For Sale
- Property Type Land - Residential
- Size (Ac) 0.38
- Price $10,500,000 CAD
Avison Young is pleased to present an opportunity to purchase 5229-5249 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC (the “Property”). The Property is a premier 16,369-sf future development site, allowing a developer the opportunity to build a condo or rental project. A condo development is permitted on the site up to a height of 4 storeys and a 2.0 FSR. A rental development is permitted at a 2.5 FSR maximum density at a height of 6 storeys. The vendor has engaged in discussions with the City of Vancouver who have indicated additional density may be possible for a rental development (contact listing agents for access to preliminary plans available in the data room).
Excellent location in proximity to Queen
Elizabeth Park, Oakridge Centre, and an
abundance of schools and amenities
16,369-sf condo or rental development site
Multiple built forms possible (condo
development at 2.0 FSR or rental
development at 2.5 FSR are supported by
the current area plan)
Preliminary discussions with the City indicate
potential for additional density for a rental
development may be possible
Strong presale pricing for new condos in the
neighbourhood is being achieved (Thesis by
Alabaster Homes presales illustrate an average
of $1,470 per sf)