SOLD - Pharmacy & Medical Office Portfolio
Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Property Type Special Purpose - Other
- Building size (SF) 333,000
- Price $80,000,000 CAD
The Portfolio is well-diversified in terms of tenancies, healthcare disciplines and variety of rentable area uses. The 10 largest Portfolio tenants account for 67% of total minimum rent and represent necessity-based retail and office uses with key tenant disciplines spanning from general practice medicine to pharmacies, dentistry, radiology, and physiotherapy. These tenancy types contribute toward a strong credit rent roll, with a significant portion of NOI generated by publicly funded or publicly traded tenants. From a landlord’s perspective these characteristics translate into predictable long-term cash flow and high retention ratios, as seen via an average historical occupancy of 92% over the past 3 years. Approximately 9% of the occupied NRA is leased to non-healthcare tenants, including retail, cafes, restaurants and other traditional
office, all of which further diversify a prospective investor’s cash flow.